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World Class Verilog & SystemVerilog Training

Sunburst Design - Expert Verilog-2001 FSM, Multi-Clock Design & Verification Techniques
by Recognized Verilog & SystemVerilog Guru, Cliff Cummings of Sunburst Design, Inc.

Cliff Cummings is the only Verilog & SystemVerilog Trainer who helped develop every IEEE & Accellera Verilog, Verilog Synthesis and SystemVerilog Standard.

2-Day Expert Verilog Syllabus in PDF

2 Days
60% Lecture, 40% Lab
Advanced Level

Course Objective

Simply stated, to give engineers world class Verilog, synthesis & verification training using award winning materials developed by renowned Verilog & SystemVerilog Guru, Cliff Cummings

Upon completion of this course, students will:

Course Overview

Sunburst Design - Expert Verilog-2001 FSM, Multi-Clock Design & Verification Techniques is a 2-day fast-paced advanced topics and expert design techniques course with instruction on Verilog self-checking testbench creation. This is a design course, not a language syntax course.

The 500+ page binder for this 2-day course covers expert Verilog-2001 design techniques. Numerous proven RTL coding guidelines are taught and explained.

Complete coverage of blocking and nonblocking assignments is presented using materials from two of Cliff's award-winning presentations on nonblocking assignments. 70 slides and a copy of an award-winning paper on nonblocking assignments with delays support the coding guidelines presented. Additional materials show transport delay-mode modeling for mixed RTL and gate-level simulation. 100+ pages will help you to master one of the most difficult and powerful topics in the Verilog language. No other course comes close to this coverage.

Another 100+ slides and two more award winning papers help to demonstrate multiple Finite State Machine (FSM) expert techniques including detailed techniques using four efficient FSM coding styles, and warnings about two common and inefficient coding styles. Labs include PCI bus arbiters and partial PCI target FSM designs (no silly traffic-light controllers, black jack games or soda pop change machines in this course!)

Included in the class are techniques for doing multi-asynchronous clock design. These techniques are not only advanced Verilog techniques, they are also advanced digital design techniques not covered by college courses. With more than 100 slides dedicated to this section and three award-winning and highly acclaimed papers for added reference material, this section alone is worth the price of admission.

Engineers will be shown the tricks and techniques used to build all of the self-checking testbenches used to test the RTL models developed in this course and other Sunburst Design training courses. Verification techniques will be shared for creating self-checking testbenches, including correct application of stimulus vectors and proper timing of output capture for verification while making use of the "SIMUTIL" self-checking testbench tasks and functions that were used to write all of the testbenches for the synthesis labs. All students will be given a copy of the SIMUTIL testbench utilities to take back and use at their own companies on their own designs.

A 500+-page student guide and 49-page Verilog-2001 HDL Quick Reference Guide supplement the lecture and provide excellent reference material for after the class. Numerous exercises and labs reinforce the principles presented. After you take this course, you will understand why Cliff Cummings has won 13 "Best Paper" awards for presentations made over the past 13 years.

Target Audience

Sunburst Design - Expert Verilog-2001 FSM, Multi-Clock Design & Verification Techniques

Target Audience

Sunburst Design - Expert Verilog-2001 Design, RTL Synthesis & Verification Techniques is intended for the most experienced ASIC and FPGA design and verification engineers that require in-depth instruction on expert Verilog-2001 RTL synthesis state machine design techniques, advanced multi-clock design techniques, advanced FIFO design techniques and Verilog verification skills.

Prerequisites (mandatory)

This is a design course, not a language syntax course. This course assumes that students have a practical working knowledge of Verilog HDL or have completed Verilog HDL training. Engineers with VHDL synthesis experience and some Verilog exposure will do well in this class. Engineers with no prior HDL training or experience will struggle in this class. This is an advanced class, not just an advanced beginner class!

The Sunburst Design - Advantage

Who is teaching your "expert" and "advanced" classes? Most companies will not tell you because their instructors might not have much design experience or may never have participated on any of the Verilog Standards groups or presented at industry recognized conferences. Go to our web site and read about the Sunburst Design - Instructors - they are simply the best at what they do and they have the experience and qualifications to offer best-in-class training.

Sunburst Design Courses:

Course Customization? - Sunburst Design courses can be customized to include your company's coding guidelines or to modify the course for a different audience. Sections can be added or deleted from a course to meet you company's needs.

Course Syllabus

Day One

Nonblocking Assignments
- Detailed instruction on how Verilog blocking and nonblocking assignments work. Verilog scheduling algorithms are discussed and blocking and nonblocking assignment synthesizable model, usage-guidelines are presented. Includes important information that must be considered when doing mixed RTL and gate-level simulations.

IEEE Verilog 2001 Enhancements
- A concise summary of the important IEEE Verilog-2001 enhancements for both design and verification.

State Machines
- Fundamental and advanced coding styles for state machines. Includes important considerations for coding designs for easy debug and optimal synthesis. Why parameter state definitions are used instead of `define. Binary encoded, and efficient onehot coding styles are presented. FSMs with combinational outputs and sequential outputs are also presented.

Day Two

Multi-Clock Design
- Detailed material for efficient coding, synthesizing, and verifying of multi-clock designs, taken from actual design experiences.

Multi-Clock FIFO Design
- Detailed material for efficient implementation of multi-clock FIFO designs.

Testing & Testbenches
- This section covers various testbench stimulus and verification techniques, including use of Verilog tasks to generate bus functional models. Includes a detailed discussion of hierarchical referencing to probe designs and generate self-checking testbenches. Also details the contents of SIMUTIL, a set of simulation tasks for rapid development of self-checking testbenches.

Classroom Details
Training is generally conducted at your facilities. For maximum effectiveness, we recommend having one workstation or PC for every two students, with licenses for your preferred Verilog simulator (we often can help provide the simulator and temporary training licenses).

For more information, contact:
Cliff Cummings - - Sunburst Design, Inc. - 503-641-8446